
Erik Charles Bonnett, born on July 11th, 1996, in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, With a mixed heritage of Italian, French, and Irish descent, he embodies the rich tapestry of our nation's working class. Raised by his mother and grandmother after his father's passing, Bonnett moved to Berks County. He attended Fleetwood Area High School, graduating in the class of 2015. Bonnett was accepted to Penn State University, where he pursued studies in law, foreign affairs, information technology, engineering, and economics. His continuing education revolves around Constitutional law and artificial intelligence. Throughout his career, Bonnett has brought leadership, knowledge, and expertise to multiple global companies.

In early 2022, Bonnett served as a Legionnaire in the International Legion of Defense in Ukraine, working alongside like-minded individuals to prevent global catastrophes and protect innocent people. His travels allowed him to make friends who share his vision of world peace. Although many of his fellow Legionnaires have passed away, their aspirations for a brighter future continue to fuel Bonnett's personal mission of being a force for good.

Presently, Bonnett serves the Executive and Judicial branches of Pennsylvania as a State Constable. In October 2022, he took his oath of office, pledging to defend and uphold the United States Constitution. Guided by the principles of honor, integrity, respect, and unity, Bonnett extends assistance to people from all walks of life.

  • I am committed to restoring fiscal responsibility and achieving a balanced budget for our nation. I understand the importance of prudent financial management, and I will work tirelessly to eliminate wasteful spending, streamline government operations, and promote efficiency. By prioritizing responsible budgeting, I will ensure a sustainable financial future for our country, creating an environment conducive to economic growth and stability.

    I strongly believe that accessible and affordable healthcare is a fundamental right. I am a staunch advocate for Medicare for All. I believe that no one should be denied quality healthcare due to financial constraints. I will champion comprehensive healthcare reform that guarantees access to affordable medical services for all Americans. By implementing a universal healthcare system, I aim to improve health outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and provide peace of mind for individuals and families.

    I personally recognize the need to make higher education accessible to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic background. As your candidate, I am committed to making higher education tuition-free, reducing the burden of student debt, and expanding opportunities for students to pursue their academic aspirations. By ensuring equal access to education, I aim to empower the next generation of skilled professionals, foster innovation, and drive economic growth. Investing in our students today means investing in a brighter future for all.

  • Firstly, I advocate for healthcare reform, specifically Medicare for All. Healthcare is a fundamental human right, and access to quality care without financial hardships should be universal. By ensuring healthcare coverage for everyone, we promote a healthier population and a more equitable society.

    Affordable housing is another critical issue. Safe, secure housing should be a basic right, with minimal property tax burdens. I support initiatives to increase affordable housing units and implement fair property tax systems that alleviate homeowners' financial strain.

    Education is a priority for me. Providing high-quality education and preparing youth for the future is crucial. I advocate for K-12 courses that earn college credits, offering students a head start. Reducing the financial burden of attending college is an initiative that will benefit millions of Americans.

    Gun violence also deeply concerns me. I believe in comprehensive measures, including addressing mental health through Individualized Success Plans (ISPs) for students. Personalized support and early intervention can reduce risk factors associated with gun violence and ensure student well-being.

    If elected to Congress, I will introduce legislature and tirelessly work to codify these measures. I aim to create a society that values health, well-being, and equal opportunities. It is my goal to remind all Americans that we have the right to life, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.

  • When I reflect upon the individuals I look up to, several prominent figures come to mind. George Washington, the first President of the United States, stands as a pillar of leadership and integrity. His unwavering commitment to the nation's well-being and his ability to unite people in pursuit of a common goal inspire me greatly.

    Another remarkable figure I admire is Alexander Hamilton. As a founding father and the first Secretary of the Treasury, Hamilton displayed exceptional intelligence, vision, and determination. His contributions to shaping the nation's financial system and his relentless pursuit of progress serve as a testament to his brilliance and foresight.

    John F. Kennedy, the 35th President, captivates me with his charisma and inspirational speeches. Kennedy's vision for a better future, his commitment to public service, and his call to action in pursuit of peace and progress resonate deeply with me.

    Barack Obama, the 44th President, embodies the power of hope, inclusivity, and transformative leadership. His ability to inspire change, navigate challenging times, and promote unity continues to inspire me. Obama's dedication to public service and his unwavering belief in the American dream serve as a reminder of the profound impact a single individual can make.

    These individuals have left an indelible mark on history, and their unwavering commitment to the greater good motivates me to strive for excellence, embrace leadership, and work towards creating a positive impact in the world.

  • If someone wants to gain a deeper understanding of my political philosophy, I would highly recommend exploring the Federalist Papers. This collection of essays, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, provides invaluable insights into the principles and ideas that shaped the formation of the United States and its government.

    The Federalist Papers delve into the intricate design of our constitutional system, discussing the separation of powers, checks and balances, and the importance of a strong central government. These essays offer a comprehensive exploration of the intentions and rationale behind the U.S. Constitution, shedding light on the delicate balance between federal authority and individual liberties.

    By studying the Federalist Papers, one can grasp the core tenets of my political philosophy, which emphasizes the significance of a well-structured government that safeguards individual rights while ensuring the stability and functionality of the nation as a whole. The Federalist Papers provide a historical and intellectual foundation that helps contextualize my approach to governance and decision-making.

    In addition to the Federalist Papers, there are other valuable resources that can further enhance understanding of my political philosophy. Books such as "The Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith or "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill explore principles of individual freedom, limited government, and economic liberalism, which align closely with my beliefs.

    The comprehensive understanding of my political philosophy cannot be distilled into a single book, essay, or film. It requires engaging with a diverse range of perspectives, historical context, and contemporary issues. However, the Federalist Papers serve as an excellent starting point, offering a profound exploration of the principles that continue to shape our democracy and inspire my approach to governance.

  • I believe certain unwavering characteristics and principles are crucial for effective representation. These values must be backed by a will of steel:

    Integrity: Upholding honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct builds trust with constituents and ensures principled decision-making.

    Accountability: Taking responsibility for actions and being answerable to the public is essential. Admitting mistakes and learning from them is part of responsible leadership.

    Empathy and Compassion: Understanding the diverse needs and experiences of constituents requires active listening and genuine care. By empathizing with their challenges, I can better represent their interests.

    Courage and Conviction: Standing up for what is right, even in challenging situations, is necessary. Having the courage to uphold principles and values demonstrates steadfast leadership.

    Collaboration: Working across party lines and engaging with diverse perspectives promotes effective governance. By seeking common ground and fostering dialogue, we can achieve meaningful solutions.

    Open-Mindedness: Being receptive to new ideas, diverse viewpoints, and expert advice fosters innovation and informed decision-making. Open-mindedness allows for flexibility and adaptation to changing circumstances.

    Responsiveness: Being accessible, listening to constituents, and promptly addressing their concerns is vital. Responsiveness demonstrates dedication to serving their needs.

    Long-Term Vision: Considering the long-term implications of policies and decisions is crucial. A forward-thinking approach ensures sustainable solutions for future generations.

    By embodying these characteristics and principles, I aim to serve as an effective elected official, representing the best interests of my constituents and working towards a better future for all people.

  • To become a legendary officeholder in Congress, I believe there are several qualities that I should strive to embody. These qualities can contribute to a memorable and impactful career:

    1. Leadership: I will strive to exhibit strong leadership skills, inspiring others and making tough decisions with confidence. By effectively navigating the complexities of political landscapes, I can shape meaningful change and lead with integrity.

    2. Integrity: Maintaining the highest ethical standards is of utmost importance to me. I will uphold honesty, transparency, and accountability in all my actions, earning the trust and respect of both colleagues and constituents.

    3. Effective Communication: I recognize the power of effective communication. I will hone my ability to articulate ideas clearly, actively listen to others, and convey my message to different audiences. Strong communication skills will help me build relationships, negotiate effectively, and rally support for important initiatives.

    4. Collaboration: I understand the significance of working collaboratively and building coalitions. I will strive to bridge gaps across party lines, forge alliances, and find common ground to achieve meaningful legislation and address pressing issues.

    5. Vision and Innovation: I will cultivate a clear vision for the future and embrace innovative thinking. By identifying emerging challenges, proposing creative solutions, and championing forward-thinking policies, I can positively impact society and drive progress.

    6. Advocacy and Empathy: The needs and concerns of my constituents will always be at the forefront of my work. I will actively listen to their voices, empathize with their experiences, and fiercely advocate for their interests. By representing their needs effectively, I can make a tangible difference in their lives.

    By embodying these qualities and staying connected with my constituents, I will continuously strive for a better future for all.

  • First and foremost, I am here to faithfully represent the interests and concerns of the constituents who have placed their trust in me. Their voices will guide my decision-making, and I will be their advocate in the halls of power.

    Legislation is at the heart of my role. I will actively work to propose, support, and vote on bills that promote the betterment of our nation. By addressing pressing issues, championing positive change, and upholding principles of justice and equality, I aim to make a lasting impact.

    Providing exceptional constituent services is a top priority. I will be accessible, approachable, and responsive to the needs and concerns of those I represent. Navigating government agencies can be complex, and I am committed to assisting constituents and being a dependable resource for them. I will actively engage with constituents, keeping them informed of legislative initiatives, and seeking their input. Town hall meetings, forums, and other avenues for dialogue will ensure that their voices are heard and valued.

    Collaboration and bipartisanship are key to achieving meaningful outcomes. I will seek common ground, build bridges, and work across party lines to find solutions that benefit all Americans. By fostering an environment of cooperation, we can transcend political divisions and accomplish great things.

    Upholding the principles enshrined in our Constitution is non-negotiable. I will defend civil liberties, promote equality, and safeguard democratic processes. The rule of law will guide my decisions and actions at all times.

    Lastly, I am committed to being a tireless advocate for the unique needs and priorities of my district. By securing resources, supporting economic development, and improving the quality of life, I will work to empower the individuals and communities I represent.

  • In running for Congress, I am inspired by the legacy of George Washington and his contributions to our nation. By drawing upon his principles and leadership, I am committed to serving my constituents, upholding our democratic values, and making a meaningful impact on the future of our great nation.

    One aspect of Washington's legacy that resonates deeply with me is the importance of passing the torch onto the next generation. Like Washington, I recognize the need to leave the country in better hands than when I came into it. It is our responsibility as leaders to foster an environment where the next generation can thrive and continue to build upon the progress we have made.

    To accomplish this, I am dedicated to promoting policies that invest in education, provide opportunities for growth, and create a sustainable and prosperous future for all. I will work tirelessly to ensure that the voices of young people are heard and that they have a seat at the table when decisions are being made.

    Furthermore, I will support initiatives that encourage civic engagement and empower young leaders to take an active role in shaping the future of our nation. By nurturing their potential, we can cultivate a new generation of dedicated public servants who will carry the torch of progress forward.

    Leaving a lasting impact means not only achieving positive change during my time in office but also laying the groundwork for a brighter future. By prioritizing the needs of the next generation and instilling in them the values of integrity, empathy, and civic responsibility, I hope to ensure that our country continues to thrive for centuries to come.

  • I vividly remember the events of 9/11, as it was the first catastrophic incident that etched itself into my memory. The impact it had on our nation and the world is immeasurable. I recall how it affected not only me but also those around me, including one of my deputies who was a first responder at Ground Zero. Witnessing the aftermath of such devastation, my deputy continues to bear the emotional and physical scars to this day.

    Amidst the darkness, there have been moments of hope and progress. One historic landmark that unfolded in my lifetime was the election of Barack Obama as the President of the United States. It was a positive event that brought a sense of unity and change. His election symbolized progress and a step toward breaking down barriers that had persisted for far too long. The significance of his presidency resonated with people across the nation, regardless of political affiliations.

    These events serve as powerful reminders of the complex tapestry of history, encompassing both tragic and transformative moments. They shape our collective memory, influence our perspectives, and provide lessons for future generations.

  • During my time at Netrix (formerly Contegix) in Reading, Pennsylvania from 2019 to 2021, I served as a Technical Support Specialist both on-site and remotely. It was my first professional job, and it provided me with valuable experiences and opportunities to enhance my skills.

    One of my primary responsibilities was to ensure the smooth functioning of software, including 3-D image software and Windows 10. Through my extensive multitasking abilities and training experience, I installed, secured, and troubleshooted these software applications, significantly improving overall performance.

    I took pride in maintaining and updating resource pages that contained crucial procedural information. This helped streamline operations and reduce security risks, leveraging my strong analytical abilities. Additionally, I fostered positive communication with the security team, providing them with detailed reports and feedback to strengthen our overall security posture.

    To perform routine tasks and generate reports, I utilized PowerShell. Moreover, I effectively deployed and managed company iPhones using MECM (Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager). These tools allowed me to carry out my responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

    My commitment to providing exceptional customer service and thinking outside the box was recognized by executive management. They acknowledged my efforts in delivering top-notch support to customers, highlighting my ability to go beyond expectations. Furthermore, my meticulous ticket documentation in ServiceNow and Footprints played a crucial role in ensuring a comprehensive record of all issues and their resolutions.

    In addressing significant issues, I proactively implemented network security features to safeguard against potential threats. Using security resources, I diligently identified and addressed viruses, contributing to a secure working environment for the organization.

  • "Tuesdays with Morrie" is a book that has deeply resonated with me on a deeper level because my Uncle Joe suffers from Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS). The book explores the relationship between Mitch Albom and his former professor, Morrie Schwartz, as they navigate Morrie's battle with ALS and engage in meaningful conversations about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

    What makes "Tuesdays with Morrie" special is its ability to provoke introspection and inspiration to contemplate the values and priorities that truly matter in life. The book reminds us of the fleeting nature of time and the importance of cherishing the present moment. It encourages us to nurture genuine connections with others and to live with compassion and authenticity.

    Through Morrie's wisdom and insights, readers are encouraged to re-evaluate their own lives, relationships, and goals. The book provides a powerful reminder to embrace the beauty of life and to strive for a more meaningful existence.

  • If I were to choose between two fictional characters, it would be a hard choice between Spider-Man and Goku. Spider-Man's admirable qualities include his commitment to doing good for the sake of it, rather than seeking fame or fortune. His selfless nature and determination to protect others make him an inspiring character.

    As for Goku from Dragon Ball Z, his fighting spirit, unwavering dedication to defending the Earth, and constant pursuit of self-improvement make him a compelling choice. Goku's never-give-up attitude and his quest for becoming stronger not only resonates with fans but also serve as a reminder of the power of perseverance and personal growth.

    Both Spider-Man and Goku embody important values that I find inspiring. Spider-Man's selflessness and Goku's determination reflect qualities I strive to cultivate within myself.

  • "Blessings" by Sublime with Rome has been stuck in my head for quite some time. Here are a few aspects that make it stand out:

    Catchy Melodies: The song features memorable melodies that are easy to sing along to and get stuck in your head. The catchy nature of the music makes it enjoyable and instantly recognizable.

    Uplifting Lyrics: "Blessings" carries a positive and uplifting message. The lyrics emphasize gratitude, appreciating life's blessings, and finding joy in the present moment. This optimistic theme resonates with many listeners and brings a sense of positivity and inspiration.

    Emotional Connection: Music has the power to evoke emotions and create personal connections. “Blessings” is up there on the list of my favorite songs and find myself singing it often. It holds special meaning to me and it reminds me of certain memories and simply uplifts my mood. The emotional connection I have with the song contributes to its appeal.

  • I understand the financial struggles we, as working-class Americans, are currently facing. I can relate to the challenges brought about by the declining economy, rising inflation, and the overwhelming burden of living paycheck to paycheck. These hardships are not easy to bear, and I want you to know that you're not alone in this journey.

    I, too, am going through similar financial difficulties, trying to make ends meet while dealing with the weight of debt. It can feel suffocating, as if there's no way out. But I want you to remember that we are stronger than our financial circumstances. We have resilience, determination, and the power to overcome these challenges.

    Managing finances can be overwhelming, especially when it feels like we're barely keeping our heads above water. Trust me, I know the feeling. But let's take a moment to acknowledge the efforts we are making to provide for ourselves and our loved ones despite the odds stacked against us. That in itself is a testament to our strength.

    In these difficult times, it's crucial to take care of ourselves holistically. Let's lean on our loved ones, friends, and community resources for support. Mental and emotional well-being are just as important as financial stability, so let's not neglect them.

    Together, as working-class Americans facing similar struggles, we can uplift and support each other. Remember, economic conditions are constantly changing, and brighter days will come. By staying informed, seeking opportunities for personal growth, and remaining resilient, we can create a more secure future for ourselves and our families.

    We are in this together, and I have faith in our ability to overcome these financial challenges. Keep pushing forward, and know that you are not alone.

  • The House of Representatives serves as the people's voice, representing their concerns, needs, and aspirations. The direct link between representatives and its citizens ensures that the House truly reflects the diversity and interests of the American people.

    One aspect that stands out is the principle of proportional representation. The House is structured in a way that allocates seats to each state based on its population, ensuring that larger states have a greater number of representatives while still providing a voice for smaller states. This approach guarantees a fair distribution of power and influence among the states, promoting equality and representation.

    The House of Representatives holds significant legislative authority, particularly in revenue-related matters. The House maintains exclusive power to initiate legislation pertaining to the nation's budget and economic policies. This authority highlights the House's impact on the financial well-being and future of the country, and I consider it a great responsibility to participate in shaping these crucial policies.

    The House operates through a committee system, which is a fundamental part of its functioning. It is within these committees that legislation is reviewed, debated, and shaped before being presented for a vote. This system allows for thorough examination of policies and encourages collaboration among representatives, facilitating informed decision-making and enhancing the democratic process.

    In conclusion, the U.S. House of Representatives possesses exceptional qualities that make it a unique and vital institution in our democracy. As a potential member, I am honored to have the chance to usher in a new era, and am committed to upholding its values. I pledge to serve the people with integrity, work towards the betterment of our nation, and contribute to the democratic process that lies at the core of our government.

  • As a firm believer in the power of individuals to enact change, I think it's not necessarily essential for representatives to have previous experience in government or politics. While experience can certainly provide valuable insights and familiarity with legislative processes, it should not be seen as the sole determinant of one's ability to make a positive impact.

    What truly matters is the individual's dedication, passion, and willingness to serve the people. With the right mindset and a genuine desire to bring about meaningful change, anyone can step into the realm of politics and make a difference. Intelligence and common sense are undoubtedly valuable traits that can contribute to effective decision-making and problem-solving.

    It's important to remember that government should be representative of the diverse population it serves. By opening the doors to individuals from various backgrounds, we invite fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a deeper understanding of the issues faced by different communities. This diversity of experiences can enhance the legislative process and lead to more comprehensive and inclusive policies.

    That being said, it is also crucial for representatives to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the complexities of governance. This can be achieved through learning, mentorship, and collaboration with experienced colleagues. By combining the will to enact change with a commitment to continuous learning, representatives can develop the expertise needed to effectively address the challenges of public service.

    Ultimately, it's the combination of passion, intelligence, common sense, and an unwavering dedication to the well-being of the people that determines the effectiveness of a representative. As long as someone possesses these qualities and is willing to work tirelessly for the betterment of their constituents, they have the potential to make a meaningful and positive impact in the realm of government.

  • As I look ahead to the next decade, I see a multitude of socio-economic challenges looming over the United States. The fabric of our society is strained by issues such as income inequality, lack of affordable housing, educational disparities, inadequate healthcare access, and environmental degradation. These challenges demand urgent attention and effective solutions, and I am determined to be the person who steps up to tackle them head-on.

    One of the most pressing issues is income inequality. The wealth gap continues to widen, leaving millions of hardworking Americans struggling to make ends meet. I believe in the power of equitable economic policies that prioritize fair wages, progressive taxation, and investment in job creation.

    Another significant challenge is the lack of affordable housing. Many Americans are burdened by skyrocketing rent prices and a shortage of affordable homes. I am committed to working towards implementing housing reforms, such as expanding affordable housing programs, incentivizing the construction of affordable units, and promoting sustainable and inclusive urban development.

    Education is another area where change is desperately needed. As a firm believer in the power of education to break cycles of poverty, I will advocate for equitable funding for schools, increased access to quality early childhood education, and robust vocational training programs.

    Millions of Americans still lack health insurance or face exorbitant medical costs. I will fight for universal healthcare coverage, working towards a system that prioritizes preventive care, reduces pharmaceutical costs, and guarantees access to essential services for all individuals.

    I am determined to be the person who leads the charge in confronting these challenges. With resilience, and a commitment to justice, I will collaborate with experts, listen to diverse perspectives, and champion policies that prioritize the well-being and prosperity of all Americans.

  • Yes, I firmly believe that two years is the right term length for U.S. House of Representatives. The short answer is a resounding "yes." However, what often gets overlooked in this discussion is the critical emphasis on the number of times a representative can serve.

    Having a two-year term allows for more frequent elections, ensuring that representatives remain directly accountable to the people they serve. It creates a sense of urgency and responsiveness in addressing the evolving needs and concerns of the constituents. As a result, representatives are motivated to stay connected with their communities, actively listening to their voices, and working diligently to address their issues.

    But here's where the emphasis on the number of terms becomes crucial. By limiting the number of times a representative can serve, we prevent the stagnation of power and the formation of political dynasties. It encourages the infusion of fresh ideas, perspectives, and energy into the political landscape. With each new election cycle, we have an opportunity to elect representatives who bring different experiences, diverse backgrounds, and innovative approaches to problem-solving.

    Term limits enable a healthy turnover of representatives, preventing complacency and fostering a culture of public service rather than careerism. It discourages the accumulation of excessive influence and the entrenchment of special interests. Instead, it promotes a system where elected officials remain connected to the pulse of their communities and genuinely represent their interests.

    Of course, there are valid arguments against term limits. Some argue that experienced representatives bring institutional knowledge, expertise, and continuity to the legislative process. While these are important considerations, they should not overshadow the benefits of fresh perspectives and preventing the concentration of power.

  • When contemplating the concept of term limits, I find myself wrestling with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, I recognize the importance of electing individuals who truly represent the people and their evolving needs in our ever-changing times and culture. Fresh perspectives and ideas can invigorate our democratic processes and foster progress.

    However, I also acknowledge the potential drawbacks of lengthy term limits. It is evident that extended tenures can lead to complacency and the entrenchment of power, hindering the overall progress of our nation. This is particularly evident in the context of lifetime appointments, such as those in the Supreme Court. While the intention may have been to ensure independence and expertise, the lack of periodic review can limit the court's ability to reflect the changing values and priorities of society.

    Furthermore, it is essential to address the issue of lifelong politicians. There should not be "lifers" in Congress that campaign to seek fortune in politics. This practice undermines the principles of democratic representation and can lead to the entrenchment of self-interest rather than serving the public good. Finding the right balance is crucial. It is essential to strike a chord between allowing experienced leaders to contribute their expertise and insights while also ensuring regular opportunities for fresh voices and ideas to shape our nation's future.

    A reasonable compromise lies in implementing term limits that strike a balance between continuity and adaptability, fostering a system where leaders can serve effectively while preventing stagnation and the concentration of power. By embracing term limits and preventing career politicians, we foster a dynamic and responsive system. We allow for the infusion of new perspectives and reduce the risk of complacency and the abuse of power. It is through this approach that we can uphold the values of representation and progress in our democratic processes.

  • As I envision myself as a United States House Representative, there is one historical figure whose path I would be honored to follow: John F. Kennedy. His impact on American politics and his unwavering commitment to serving the people resonate deeply with me.

    During his campaign for the House seat, Kennedy connected with the war-weary public by addressing their pressing needs. He advocated for better housing for veterans, comprehensive healthcare, and supported the rights of organized labor. His call for peace through the United Nations and his unwavering opposition to the Soviet Union struck a chord with the American people.

    Once in the House, Kennedy faced challenges in translating his vision into action. The Senate passed a housing bill, the Taft-Wagner-Ellender Bill, which aimed to provide comprehensive support to the American people. Despite his support for the Senate bill, Kennedy's influence as a freshman in the minority party was limited. It would take until his second term before a significant housing bill was finally passed, but he never ceased advocating for the veterans who suffered due to the delay. Determined to make his voice heard, Kennedy traveled to McKeesport, Pennsylvania, to debate the merits of the bill. His opponent in the debate was none other than Richard Nixon, his fellow freshman and committee member.

    In modeling myself after John F. Kennedy, I aspire to embody his unwavering commitment to the people, his passion for progress, and his belief in the power of unity. I will strive to champion the rights of veterans, ensure access to comprehensive healthcare, support organized labor, and advocate for peace and international cooperation. I recognize the challenges that lie ahead, but I am inspired by Kennedy's resilience and determination to make a positive impact on the lives of the American people.

  • I had a thought-provoking conversation with my neighbor when I told him I was running for office. As we talked, enjoying the summer breeze, he touched upon the challenges of being an honest man in politics. He expressed his belief that it is an arduous task to maintain integrity while serving in political positions.

    He lamented that too often, those in power prioritize personal gain over the well-being of the American people. According to him, many politicians seem entangled in the clutches of major corporations, driven by a desire to accumulate wealth at the expense of everyday citizens.

    Reflecting on the past, he mentioned older policies that essentially made a check out to benefit his generation but was cashed out in the name of my generation's wealth and prosperity. He felt that it was an injustice, leaving a sense of inequity between the opportunities he had, and the challenges faced by subsequent generations.

    His hope was that my generation would have equal access to economic growth and prosperity. He wished that we could return to a time when owning a house, providing quality education for one's family, and ensuring a comfortable life with a single job were within reach for the average American.

    We delved deeper into the root causes of these issues, discussing the influence of money in politics. He emphasized the importance of elected officials who are committed to serving the people's interests rather than catering to the demands of corporate entities.

    Despite the gravity of the situation, my neighbor remained optimistic. He firmly believed that through active civic engagement, demanding accountability from our leaders, and supporting candidates who prioritize the well-being of all citizens, positive change can be achieved.

  • A lone cowboy nobody knew walks into a mining town bar.

    He orders two drinks which he downs slowly. When he was done with his drinks, he paid the bartender and walks out to see that his horse with all his stuff is missing.

    He turns around, walks back in the bar, pulls his guns from his holster and shoots them in the air.

    "Which ever one of you cow dung stole my horse better have it back by the time I finish my next drink, other wise I am going to have to do what I did in Texas. And trust me, I don't want to ever do that again".

    He walks back to the bar, gets another drink, and slowly drinks it. The people in the bar started murmuring, talking amongst themselves and looking at the stranger with fear in their eyes.

    The stranger finishes his drink, walks out and his horse was there where he left it. He got up on it, when the bartender and the bar patrons ran out after him.

    The bartender said "Mister, we are sorry for what happened. But please tell us what happened in Texas after somebody stole your horse?"

    The stranger looked at him and said, "I had to walk home".

  • In the realm of policymaking, I firmly believe that compromise is both necessary and desirable. It is an essential aspect of negotiation, a means by which diverse perspectives can come together to work towards a common goal. While it is natural to have strong convictions and specific objectives, it is crucial to recognize that progress often requires finding common ground and making concessions.

    In the process of advocating for the policies I believe in, I understand that I may encounter challenges and obstacles. There may be instances where I am unable to push for everything I initially set out to accomplish. However, in such situations, I remain optimistic and resilient. I see it as an opportunity to collaborate with others, and seek areas of compromise that can still advance the overarching objectives of fairness, justice, and positive societal change.

    While compromise may involve making sacrifices, it is important to approach it with a long-term perspective. Sometimes, it is not possible to achieve immediate perfection in policy outcomes. However, by working towards incremental improvements and planting the seeds of change, we can pave the way for future generations to build upon our efforts and iron out the flaws in existing policies.

    It is my hope that by working together, we can create a society where the next generation can refine and shape policies to better address the needs and aspirations of all individuals. Through this collective effort, we can strive for continuous improvement and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.

  • If elected, I would utilize the power granted to the House to shape our nation's fiscal priorities. The Constitution's provision holds great weight, as it underscores the fundamental principle of democratic governance: that decisions regarding taxation and revenue generation should primarily arise from the directly elected representatives of the people.

    With this power in mind, I would prioritize several key aspects in my approach to originating revenue bills. First and foremost, I would aim to ensure that our tax system is fair, equitable, and conducive to promoting economic growth and stability. This would involve analyzing existing tax structures, modifying them, and striving to alleviate any burdens or loopholes that disproportionately affect certain groups.

    Furthermore, I would focus on fostering transparency and accountability in revenue generation. I firmly believe that the American people should have a clear understanding of how their tax dollars are being utilized and that there should be mechanisms in place to prevent wasteful or inefficient spending.

    In addition, I would prioritize engaging with my fellow legislators, across party lines, to foster a collaborative and bipartisan approach to originating revenue bills. Recognizing the diverse perspectives and interests within the House, I would actively seek common ground and work towards consensus-driven solutions that benefit the American people as a whole.

    Ultimately, as a representative of the people, my priority would be to ensure that revenue bills align with the needs and aspirations of the constituents I serve. I would strive to address critical issues such as infrastructure investment, education, healthcare accessibility, and social welfare programs, while also balancing the necessity of maintaining fiscal responsibility and economic growth.

  • As a firm believer in the principles of accountability and transparency, I believe the U.S. House should utilize its investigative powers in a responsible and diligent manner. These powers are crucial for upholding the checks and balances within our democracy and ensuring the integrity of our government. The House should use its investigative powers to uncover the truth and shed light on matters of public concern. This includes conducting thorough investigations into potential wrongdoing, whether it be government misconduct, ethical violations, or abuses of power. By doing so, we can hold individuals and institutions accountable for their actions and restore public trust.

    In utilizing its investigative powers, the House should also strive to maintain a non-partisan approach. While political divisions are inevitable, it is essential to prioritize objective and fact-based inquiries over partisan interests. This means conducting investigations in a fair and impartial manner, considering evidence from all sides, and avoiding undue influence or bias. By doing so, we can ensure that the outcomes of these investigations are credible, trustworthy, and indiscriminate.

    Lastly, the House should use its investigative powers to propose necessary reforms and improvements to prevent future issues from arising. Investigations can reveal systemic flaws or gaps in legislation, policies, or oversight mechanisms. By identifying these weaknesses and working towards meaningful reforms, we can enhance the functioning of our government and prevent similar problems from occurring in the future.

    In summary, the U.S. House should use its investigative with the aim of upholding accountability, protecting the public interest, and promoting transparency. By seeking the truth, prioritizing the well-being of the American people, maintaining non-partisanship, and driving meaningful reforms, we can ensure that these powers are utilized effectively for the betterment of our democracy.